Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How do I deal with this unbearable depression while pregnant?

I had a baby at 19, and while I didn't have depression while I was pregnant I had serious post partum depression which gave me the exact same symptoms you have. It ruined me, because its been 8 years and I am still not the same. I love my son to death, but I am forever changed because I did not get the help I needed in time. I ended up a single mother, and its the hardest thing anyone will ever have to do. But as for you for right now, is there a reason for the depression or does it just seem like everything is making you sad? Also, your weening off several narcotics which will cause you to be depressed, since your body is used to those narcotics. No, your baby will not be harmed as long as you take care of your body and rid the medications from your system, and I promise you this depression will cease. You will be extremely tired for the next few months, I was a senior in high school, 3 months pregnant sleeping in the nurses office half the day I literally couldn't keep my eyes open. (And i barfed on myself in class). The most important thing though right now is you and your baby. Do you want this baby? Ask yourself and yourself only. Can you raise this baby alone? (It doesn't seem like douche bag will be there for you). If your answers are truly no, then abortion or adoption are available. Abortion is something that is looked down upon, but nobody has to know, and its your right as a woman to make that decision. The earlier the better, (I had a late term abortion once, 15 weeks, and I will never forgive myself for that, and i cry about it ALOT, and how selfish I was). Also there is adoption, there are soooo many couples that cant have children, that would give their lives to be parents, and have been on a waiting list for years for a baby, and would give that baby the whole world. I wish I had made that choice with the abortion, I'd do anything to go back, but at the time I thought it was right. Children need loving parents, good homes, stability, security, and everything else. They were not asked to be made, they weren't asked to be yours. It's your job as a woman to do the right thing, and only you know in your heart whats right. Sorry for being so mushy, I feel for you. Also, there are anti depressants that are FDA approved for pregnant women, and counseling services. i wish you the best of luck. And for you and for the baby, if he's not going to be there for you right now, he has no right to make the decisions. you do. he comes last right now (the boyfriend) Take it from someone who has been there done that

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