Monday, July 18, 2011

Wife has a serious problem with pain pills.?

Wow, I'm sorry you have to go through this. The rate of prescription drug abuse has gone up like 500% in the past few years because medical ethics has relaxed the rules about painkiller prescriptions. Basically, in the past, lots of people in terrible chronic pain could not get painkillers because docs were so strict about what amounts of painkillers they'd give out. Then recently they started recommending that it would be OK to give out more painkillers, and boom, many drug addicts were created. It's not enough to take painkillers to become addicted, though--you also have to have an addictive personality. Anyway, what you need to do is to join the support group Al Anon. This is for the loved ones of addicts of all sorts--alcohol, drugs, etc. Being in the group will help you to learn what you can and can't do, should and shouldn't do to help your wife. You can't MAKE her go to rehab. You CAN do an intervention, but you can't make up her mind for her. And you don't want to become her enabler. And you need to learn how to resist her manipulations. And you need to learn what is OK for you to do to help be supportive. This group will teach you all that, and give you some much needed emotional support--you have a lot to cope with already based on your experiences in Afghanistan and your own wounds! The military likely has Al Anon groups but there are also Al Anon groups in every community, meeting every day. Just google it. Good luck!!

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