Sunday, July 17, 2011

Please help. Chance of pregnancy?

I had some stuff ups with my birth control pill and my last period seemed to be like they were before I started the birth control and I felt like I was ovulating pretty soon after my period ended. I had pain in my front and back in the same place which my Mum said could be ovulation. At the time I didn't think anything of it and my partner and I had sex (no condom or pull out). Yesterday, which going by when I feel I ovulated, would be 7DPO and I have been very bloated, tender breasts, cramps (including leg cramp), nausea, I have been getting full really quickly which isn't usual for me and after eating I feel as though the food is trying to come back up again. I have been urinating more which includes waking up in the night to go to the toilet and I haven't been sleeping very well which is unusual for me. I have had some lower back pain and headaches as well which get worse when I stand up. I also had a day I got really dizzy and felt I was going to pass out. What are the chances I could be pregnant? My partner isn't ready but abortion will not be an option. I miscarried my angel at 6weeks a year ago and that still hurts me. Thank you for your help! (:

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